Instead of complaining about what’s wrong we should take positive, solution-oriented steps (however small) toward improving a situation. It means being more a part of the solution rather than a reminder or reinforcement of the problem.
While we’re working, it’s easy to fall into the trap of spending our time and energy taking note and complaining about the way things are, the economy, negative people, greed, lack of compassion, bureaucracy, and so forth. After all, if we are looking for verification that the world is full of problems, we don’t have to look far to prove our assumptions.
If you take a careful look, you’ll notice that in most cases, thinking excessively about the problems at work, only serves to increase your own level of stress, thus making it even more difficult to do anything about the very things that are bothering you.
As we focus on the problem and discuss it with others, it can reinforce our belief that life is difficult and stressful, which, of course, it can be.
When we focus too much on what’s wrong, it reminds us of other things we disapprove of or wish were different, which can lead us toward feelings of discouragement and being overwhelmed.
It’s interesting, however, to notice that in many instances you cannot only make a dent in a problem, but actually reduce your own stress level in the process by simply choosing to “light a candle.” Simply put, this means making a suggestion or taking a positive step toward improving a source of stress. It means putting increased emphasis on a potential solution and less emphasis on “cursing” the problem.
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